Short intro to the company.

HouseMyDog is a renowned pet care service provider that specializes in connecting dog owners with trusted and reliable dog sitters. Founded in 2013 the company has rapidly grown to become a leading platform in the pet care industry. With a user-friendly online platform and a commitment to ensuring the well-being and safety of dogs. They offer a huge variety of services some of these include dog boarding, dog walking, dog sitting and certified vetted dog sitters. This company needs to advertise a lot because most of the public will just get family or friends mind dogs when needed instead of a trusted sitter. It is vital that this company has competitive prices because most people will just get family to mind their pets cause of cost effectiveness and ease.

Our Aims for the Campaign

These are some reasons as to why we are so passionate about this campaign.


Yes trusting family can be an amazing thing when it comes to minding pets because its cost effective and ease, but it’s also important to have a trusted vetted person is well. This is in the cases where something happens and its important for someone who knows what to do. For example, a vetted person will know exactly what to do if your dog is having an allergic reaction or if in some cases the dog gets away. When it comes to your family pet its always important to take safety steps.

Our Place In The Market

For housemydog its important to keep to solid foothold on the market because dog walking/sitting is a really easy business to start and pick up. So, it’s important for this company to be competitive in price and facilities.


This can be an amazing tool for improving the company and expanding the market. Through this campaign the company can get information on what kind of people need this service and a what cost they are looking for to keep competitive.

Generate new customers

This is important for all campaigns in advertising but when it comes to service-based companies it can be worth more because not everyone likes trusting companies with their property. With this campaign we hope to attract new customers who previously haven’t used our services.

Get In The Minds of Our Users

One consistent aim we have for our company is finding out what people are looking for to make our services even more viable for new users.

Looking for New Avenues to Explore

By the end of our campaign we aim to have one place for all your dog mindinging needs and we always speak out about people recommending new avenues for us to explore.

Our Target Audience

These are some of the audiences e hope to attract towards our services,

Some examples,

  • We hope to attract dog owners obviously because that is our main objective with the business.
  • People who have jobs that are tailored to traveling. This will help gain consistent customers who come back when the service is needed.
  • This campaign hopes to gain more vetted employees. This will help offer more services and help more customers with a growing number of staff.

Lastly and most importantly,

  • Lastly, we would like to attract elderly customers who cannot walk or care for their dogs. Most people don’t want to donate their pets to shelters due to reputations. So, our main objective is to help out these people and hopefully offer our services.

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Some Extra Info on our Campaign.

Our reasons for Offline Means of Advertising

Our Reasons for Online means of Advertising

One of the Companies we Work Closely With.

Pawsome Pals,

Some points that attracted us to them,

Short Video on the Health Benefits of Walking Dogs.

If there is any recommendations on how we can improve please fill out the survey below,